Becca Wieronski - the creator of BLUR

Hey all! 

I'm Becca, the voice and creator of Bur. I own an interior design studio/lifestyle shop rooted in conscious design, @b_l_u_r_designs_. I truly believe environments have the power to make our lives extraordinary if we act with a little intention. I also believe health is fundamental to creating the life of your dreams—it's the foundation of everything you hope to achieve. And, I believe in dreams. I believe in creative ideas and following your joy.

I started this wellness club as a passion project to share years of information about conscious, evidence-based design. I don't want healing design to be applied only to hospitals; I want everyone to know how to create an environment that is healing not only for your soul but also for your physical body.

I'm a total geek when it comes to wellness, longevity, and self-care. This passion stems from living with depression during my younger years, through college, and the early stages of my career. I was fortunate that one day, seemingly out of nowhere, I realized I was strong and that my mind and willpower could help me overcome anything I set my mind to. During this pivotal phase of my life, I became acutely aware of my health and how working out positively affected my brain. It was never about vanity—I needed to go to the gym to dig myself out of the hole I was in. I became addicted to movement—hiking, weight lifting, and especially yoga (my true love). I also became very conscious of my nutrition, choosing to eat healthy, organic, and clean foods. And it was working. I began to feel confident and unshackled. As a result, studying wellness and conscious design became a bit of an obsession. I intuitively knew that our environments have the power to impact our behavior and well-being, not just mentally but physically as well.

My beautiful life has been one around growth and I’ll continue to grow. It’s been about realizing my capabilities and having the courage to go after my dreams, and to not define myself by society's standards.  I have started and stopped too many times to count, tried and failed. I have messed up terribly. But through all the trials, I have seen myself grow and become this empathetic, kind, knowledgeable, independent, open-minded, unique, creative, and adventurous individual. I’ve become someone who values working hard to become something extraordinary. A never-ending journey but totally worth it. Which circles back to me being a designer and how I believe our environments have that power. To make us extraordinary. To impact our behaviors for the better. I believe they can instill hope, mindfulness, and intention into our lives. Especially when it comes to self-care, eating right, moving our bodies, and seeking the quiet moments that allow us to connect not only to one another but to seek the interiors of our spirit.

So, that’s me. In a nutshell - a creative, with a big heart, a lot of passion to live a big life. And someone who genuinely wants the same for each of you.


Much love,



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